Brain Puddin'
I won't get into the fact that my prof didn't mention his exam would be 4 hours long instead of 3 hours long, and I won't go into the fact that it was a completely open book exam even though it said on the website that it was just notes prepped by the student. I won't get into that b/c I freaking rocked his exam. By "rocked his exam" I mean that I'm done and don't have to deal with that shit anymore.
I also won't get into how the whole thing was ripped off of some other thing and how it could use some help organizationally. Whatever. I took it and I'm done.
That said I've got one exam left to rock. The chances of me rocking it are dependent on if "rockin' it" means pulling an even C. At this point I believe it does.
I kind of announced/mentioned my birthday this year. It's the first time I've done it in forever. I've still got the sock puppet from last time. I got a sack full of loot. I got everything I've ever wanted and a little bit more. Shout out to Joel for the little bit more.
Shout out to Ms. C for the coffee cup. I've already had a portion of the coffee. Shout out to Ms. P. and J for the awesome book. I can't wait to read it. That goes doubly for Ms. S. Have an awesome holiday. Shout to Ms. F. for the great gift, I will be a trivia power house. Word to Ms. M. I've got wage hanging on my shoulder everywhere I go now. Shout out to Ms. V-H. I can't wait to use your gift and a little more. Especially in re the cute waitress C. Shout to Ms. P and TJ yeah I'll take some sturgeon. You're my favorite of favorites and good luck with your trial. Shout out to Ms. B for the bourbon. It may have led me to a night of debauchery and bad decision making, but hey no scars. Shout to L&J, you also were major and valued contributors to the "bad news" (by bad news I mean heavy drinking and deep lustful enjoyment of maker's mark and then for some reason [bar application] everything gets fuzzy). Shout out to Ms. K and her roommate for being awesome. Special shout, let's make it a holler with foot stoompin, to Ms. D for the awesome pret a porter and music. Huzzah, Huzzah, Huzzah to the GnR for my sweet ass paella. Mmm peppermint bark, you know who you are, Mistress of pant changing. Word to Mr. A for the heads up. Shout to Ms. J always good to see you. We should get into some trouble after finals, the Vern? Thanks to Mr. T for coming out with Tax on the horizon. Hey Mr. D, I pop a collar your way. You were major contributors to my life being Freakin' Awesome. Shout out to B and K, I'm renaming you Will Power. Thanks to the bartender for not cutting me off. Thanks to Ms. D De La Trivia and Mr. A, as a matter of fact I am a fan of the Banana Splits. Last but not least thanks to Shiz and Marcus. Just remember, it's all in the reflexes.
The only thing I'm missing is that hug from Ms. G.
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