Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Firestorm of concentration

One of my friends asked me if I had ADD yesterday. That's about how well my studying has been going. I did finish one test. I think the curve is going to be wicked tight on it but I feel alright about it.
Usually that Prof. asks "Who is your favorite lawyer and why? It can be either a historical lawyer or someone you know personally." I had an answer prepared that started along the lines of "I'll give you one guess who ISN'T my favorite lawyer right about now." He didn't ask that so I didn't get to give my answer.
Anyway I was at Powells today getting a cup of coffee. Actually I was at Powell's twice today getting a cup of coffee. The first time I was at Powells getting a cup of coffee the barista asked me if I worked at powells. I said no because I'm frickin' honest. She says to me, "Whenever you're asked a question while you're buying something just say yes. So no employee discount for you." Doh!
The barista was the cute woman from Talkdemonic. You can probably find a webpage for them if you're less lazy than me. Anyway, there's been some hiring at powells and a shake up in my list of baristas that I stalk.
The barista from Floyds with the tattoos is still my favorite, followed closely by Powell's Barista 1 and 3. Then the barista at half crown and roast, the barista at Ugly Mug who makes the soap and the barista at Coffee Plant. Finishing up the list is the Talkdemonic Barista from Powells. I think I either need to drink less coffee or help them fill out the restraining order paper work on me. If I could make it to half crown I'm pretty sure that barista would be rocking the stalking.
I wonder if there's a myspace group for people with crushes on their baristas.


Blogger Court said...

Just be careful not to alienate yourself from your favorite places/things to consume. A quality hookup is never worth having to avoid certain people/places/coffee consumption if things go sour.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Court said...

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

8:49 AM  

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