Tuesday, July 25, 2006

They told us at Barbri that you can't cram a cram course. I say cram it up your cram hole. I bet you I can learn federal income tax on the ride to the exam this morning.
They said if you don't know it the day before the bar exam you're not going to know it for the bar exam. Well I just learned me some Wills and Trusts and Administrative law.
I'm a cowboy. I'll climb onto anything with a saddle and ride it straight out the gate.
I also can't sleep. I figure the best way to go into this exam will be to get ripped up on coffee and just jitter the whole time.
In case I totally blank I have a back up plan. I've made up my own tort, the intentional tort of being all up in my grill, and if I don't know the rule of law I'll make up my own legal doctrine using Pig Latin. The Doctrine of Ellhay Ifay Iay Owknay.
Hopefully I'll be back this evening and in a posting mood. Good luck to everyone else. I don't need it, I just learned secured trans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good good luck Antonio


7:13 AM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Even though you don't need it, good luck.

11:19 AM  

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