Thursday, August 05, 2004

Out of town

I've got to go out of town for the weekend. I'll be back on Monday with a nice rant about walmart and I'll spill the beans on the trivia team name. The team name needs background so I can't just write it out. I also noticed that I hit my hundredth post a little bit back. Man I'm established. I wonder if 1Ls are reading my blawg to figure out what to expect like I was doing to Jeremy's blawg last year.
If there are any 1Ls reading this check out Buffalo Wings and Vodka. Everything you need to know about law school is explained succinctly and clearly over there.


Blogger zack said...

Actually, you can ignore the Poocho-Pagoda. I can tell you what to expect as in incoming 1L, take it from me, I know.

As an incoming 1L you will:

1. Go out drinking with assholes who don't tip several times a week. If you've ever worked in service, it will be very embarassing, but your success in law school necessitatest that you put up with it. Just deal.

2. Spend about six weeks really worrying about getting "called on" in class, because you've seen legally blonde, and yes, it is kind-of like that. After six weeks, you'll stop giving a fuck, and you'll start preparing for class by doing the reading and doing nothing more than writing notes in the margins of your textbooks. That's called "book briefing" and it's actually the sign of sharp, no-nonsense law student.

3. Spend more time at and/ or than you spend talking to your family. Hey, they're making you buy a laptop, aren't they?

4. Actually start using AIM. Because when you know that your contracts proffessor is about to call on Joe, and you know Joe was out drinking till five, isn't really important that you point this out to Amy and Steve?

5. Download every case you need to read for free, quickly, from a large private company that wants to get you hooked on their service, and wonder why the old-timers say law school was hard.

12:02 AM  

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