Thursday, March 10, 2005

Not my Lexis!

Apparently Lexis got hacked. This is horrible news. Fortunately it appears the hackers took info of people in the database and not the users themselves. I think this kind of thing is half the reason people hate lawyers.

I was talking to someone about feeling compelled to do my work before my school work. They said that I'm a law student first. Under that kind of rationalization the question is easy. I don't instinctively see the question that way. I see the question as the client's need for something basic versus my need to be prepared for some class. The client always wins that rationalization. Right now I'm working on some policy issues and the client could be every stalking victim in Oregon. It's hard to prioritize class work over that. They fired back with "If you've got enough time to blog the choice should be blog or homework." I don't have an answer for that, that's basically right. So I learned a lesson, it's all about how you frame the question.
Building on that one of my friends got called on in class and it was an easy question. She was blanking out b/c this professor (who I was going to call professor aggressive crotch display but I'll tell you about that later) never asks obvious questions. His questions are always hazy philosophical questions. This was an obvious question and you could tell that she knew the answer but thought she must not understand the question b/c this prof. doesn't ask these kind of questions. My friend Miss. C. said if you get a question like that ask the question back but the way you want to answer it. So in this instance the prof would ask question X and then you answer "Do I understand that you're asking Y b/c then the answer is either C or D depending on...." Once again it's all about how you frame the question.

I was walking to get some coffee on Sunday. It was a beautiful day, the kind of day made for walking around and getting coffee. I'm on Hawthorne and there were three guys dressed like ninjas walking down the street. Two were wearing all black and one was wearing all red. The one with the all red had a sandwich board sign that said, "This ninja could change your life" and on the back it said "Ask me how". I thought about asking how he could change my life but two possible answers popped into my head and I decided to just get my coffee.
The first answer was that he'd ninja kick me and I would get a disabling injury. Then that ninja would have changed my life. It would have been changed into a life of chronic back pain. I would take a pass on that. No thanks ninja.
The second idea was that it's become so difficult to get people to sign petitions that the petition gathers were resorting to the ancient art of stealth. If not petitions then something equally as annoying, like amway. Once again, no thanks ninja. If I had the digital camera I'm getting with my Westlaw points this post would have contained a kick ass 3.2 megapixel image of ninjas. But alas I've got like 2500 points to go. It should be like a month and a half, unless I hit something big on my most likely hacked lexis account.
There's no way to frame that question and get an answer I like. Rock on.


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