Friday, January 21, 2005

Somehow I'm behind...

Last night my phone rang (It didn't actually ring, it vibrated. I was in a public area and I think it's incredibly tacky if your phone makes a noise in public. You bother ever other person in that area when your phone goes off in some ten minute ring tone of the fucking Peanuts Theme Song. I understand the difficulty of feeling the vibration when the phone is in a purse or back pack and I don't have a solution to that yet, maybe pick a decent ring tone.) while I was doing laundry.
Bone: What are you doing?
El Pocho Abogado: I'm cleaning my chonies, what's up?
B:Are you going to Bar Review tonight? (Bar review is where a bunch of law students go down to the bar and get loaded and act like assholes.)
EPA: No, I've got a bunch of stuff to do. It's only the fourth day of the semester and I'm behind.
B: You're not going?
EPA: I've got to get this stuff done, I've got a bunch of cover letters to write too. This shit's all due tomorrow and I have to put in a long day at work.
B: Catch up this weekend.
EPA: I've got stuff to do all weekend. I've got to get this done so I know what's going on in class and have a job this summer.
B: Everyone's going. You're not going?
EPA: No, if I fall behind now the end of the semester will be too crazy. I'll be trying to find a job, learn all my classes, write two papers, and study for finals.
B: Are you sure you're not going?
EPA: Yeah I'm going. I can't sit at home while everyone is having fun. Besides what if someone does something embarrassing and I have to hear about it second hand. But I tried, you heard it. Didn't my voice sound sincere for both of those two minutes before I caved into peer pressure?
B: I could really here the sincerity. It was a kind of "I'm a serious law student, this is important to my future" kind of sincerity.
EPA: That's exactly what I was trying to convey. I've got to fold these jeans and then I'll be there.

Now I'm trying to finish my cover letters in the next twenty minutes so I can make it to work by noon and put in six hours so I don't have to go back on Sunday. Man, I am a freakin' shining example to future generations of law students.


Blogger JulioSueco said...

Pinche Pocho Cabron, you make me look like miss goody two shoes....

4:19 PM  

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