Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Lexis Elite Status

I don't know what Lexis Elite Status is. They started offering me points and stuff and then I noticed that the little elite bar was progressing and I was getting very close to getting elite status. I started to get excited. When I was about 100 points away I decided it was something that I needed. I stopped checking about two weeks ago confident that I would make it. I only needed 30 points. That's three days of logging in and searching for something. No problem. I was basically strutting around like a pro wrestler who's opponent is struggling to tag in his fresh teammate. The whole while I was oblivious that Lexis would reset the points that freakin' weekend. They reset the points every semester, but since school didn't start for me until 8/30 I figured no problem.
I checked my status the other day. I have 50 points towards elite status, that means 1,950 to go. They reset the counter. I missed it and I may never know what elite status is like. It was like my unwitting professional wrestler got hit on the back with a folding metal chair by the freshly tagged in teammate. I'm taking extra highlighters to make up for this.


Blogger La Madre said...

yo, at least you still have access to Lexis. I'd love to have access to it. Man, I'd be reading that shiznat all day long.

9:44 AM  

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