While I’m waiting for my job to kick in I’ve been trying to do all the stuff I won’t have time to do when I’m working. One of the things I decided to do was to catch up on all the reading I didn’t do during law school. I’ve got stacks of law review articles I never read, I’ve got piles of books on the history of the Court or the Constitution, a couple books on philosophy and justice, and some biographies of famous lawyers and jurists. I found out about most of these books through a reading list one of my professors made. You can find a copy of it here.
I also wanted to catch up on some literature and try and improve my vocabulary. I’m hoping to go through the works of Messrs. Dahl, Lewis, and Snicket. I started with Snicket. I cranked through the first twelve books over the last week. I’ll go get the last one tomorrow.
One of the things the Series of Unfortunate events does that I like is that the youngest character speaks in baby talk and only her siblings understand. Sometimes the baby talk has little subversive messages. Once when the children were caught by the villain of the story the baby said “Merde” which the siblings understood to mean, “Oh no.”
In the last book, during a trial with a bizarre procedural rule there was this paragraph.
"Scalia," Sunny said. She meant something like, "It doesn't seem like
the literal interpretation makes any sense," but her siblings did not
think it was wise to translate.
That’s right, the next generation is on to you Nino! Snicket’s going to take your Originalism down!
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