Thursday, October 06, 2005

Career Services

I went to a career services meeting today. They always make me feel like shit. It makes me feel like I'm a slacker for not already having the rest of my life planned. Shit, I just want to go out and dance around a little on the weekend. Why do I have to know what to do after the bar. Stress.
So anyway I decided to just concentrate on reading some cases for fun, watching a zombie movie or two, and drink a cool Coors 16 ouncer.
It's weird. I've got a number on me. I get bar results next September. It's 11 months until I'm supposed to have my shit together and be a grown up. I've got no problem working full time. I've done that forever. My problem is that I feel like everyone is telling me I can't be myself after that.
I think I'm going to spend my time developing a man crush on Christopher Walkin instead of developing my "professional persona". Rock on.


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