Grades and Gripes
I got my grades back. I thought I hadn't done very well b/c they changed the curve and figuring out where I stood involved math. It turns out they hadn't changed the curve so this is my best semester yet. It is also the semester where I tried the least. There was only one class I read consistently for.
The class I read for the least was my best grade. I attribute that to my prof's awesome teaching powers. Fear his powerpoint stance! He even put a lecture up on MP3. It's awesome. I might remix it up. The F.R.E.ak! Mix.
The second best grade was the class I read the next least for. Unlike the other class I often did the crossword instead of paying attention in lecture and skipped a couple of few times. I wrote an outline for this class in the couple hours before I took the examine. This prof, Aggressive Crotch Display, was not my favorite prof and I think by largely ignoring him I did myself a great service. When it was time to vomit up what little I knew I was able to keep it clear and concise, unlike his lectures. Let this serve as a lesson to all the 1Ls coming in. It's not how much you know but how well you can write the little you do know. And a prof can be the biggest attribute or detriment to learning a subject well.
I've got to register for next year. I'm kind of excited and wonder how many classes that I sign up for I'll keep. Last year I think I kept 4 out of 10. I think I'm going to load heavy on criminal law and employment. I'm having a hard time finding the leisure studies section of the catalog.
Does anyone know anything about radioblog? They don't have a FAQ (how stupid is that?) that I can find. I'm thinking of setting one up but I would like to know how well it gets along with blogger. I just ate a mango and I have to floss. Rock On.
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