4 Hours 57 Minutes 22 Seconds
Let me start out by saying how much I love table of contents. It may not look like you have much of a paper but then you start putting headers in there, some sub headings and pow organization starts happening. I made the difficult decision to put my headings in all caps. I think it looks a little classier and creates a contrast to the subheadings which aren't in all caps. It says, "Hey, I thought about this."
I think my chest will probably itch less once I've handed this paper in. It seems to be my chosen distraction. There's a benefit to that. I can sit in front of my computer and vigorously rub, without scratching, my chest without breaking up my typing. If I had chosen something else to distract me, like my stubbed toe, I might have to sit in the bathroom and soak my foot or something. I still want to throw myself on the floor but whatever.
I think all that's left for me to do on my paper is write a conclusion, then go back through and make sure my analysis follows my thesis and it leads reasonably to a conclusion. If I don't hit the minimum pages I can start playing with fonts but I'm kind of proud that I have yet to actually see how many more pages I can get from Verdana as opposed to New Times Roman.
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