Sunday, May 29, 2005

Book Worm

I've been able to read several books during this break. I love reading non law stuff. I read Freakonomics, Death of a River Guide, Devil in White City, and then I picked up The DaVinci Code. After the first 30 pages I knew I should have put it down and walked away. After reading books that were so good the D.C. was like stepping in a pile of horse shit. I'm curious if the movie will be as bad as a Grisham movie.
I give off the impression that I don't put a lot of effort into school which isn't true. I work hard, I spend a lot of time reading and studying the law. It just happens that I tend to do it outside of the context of my classes. I know I can follow the game plan, bust my ass and maybe get a B+ or I can generally follow along and wander around studying the legal issues that really interest me and get a B. So it may be true that I spent half as much time studying Biz Ass as other people in the class, I probably am one of a couple students who was following new decisions in the SCOTUS, the 9th and 7th Circs, and the State Supreme court. I'm the only one I know who reads law review articles for fun. I do a lot of work, I just do the work I want instead of the work I'm assigned. Any 1Ls coming shouldn't get the impression that school is just about playing crosswords on your lap top and eating bad food in the cafeteria.
I got invited to a Latino GOP internet discussion group. I don't know how that happened. Do I come off as a Republican? I am a republican technically but I don't think I come off as one, I happen to understand things like evolution and geology. I'll have to stop wearing my "kick their ass and take their gas" T shirt or something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Antonio is registered republican so he can vote against someone like Bush in the primaries.

11:55 AM  

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