Thuggin' Out in Salem
I was thrown out of the State Archive today. Yeah, you know you're a hardcore O.G. 2L when the archivist's posse has to come and get up in your face. They tried to enforce, but I stopped them short. They can't front on this! (I do that tuff guy thing where you puff up your shoulders real fast to make the other guy flinch at this moment.)
I had been in the archive for about 6 hours copying committee exhibits and minutes and bill tracings and stuff while simultaneously (There is no way I spelled this word right. Blogger probably won't even have a suggestion I'm so far off. [I got it right, that's why I thought it was spelled wrong.]) taping committee meeting minutes. This was from back in 1979 before the equipment was really very good. I would criticize D.J. State Archivist's mix as being too muddy but I understand the technological limitations at that time.
Anyway, I'm trying to tape these minutes off an old reel to reel onto a cassette. Because of the wonky set up I can't use the high speed dubbing function and they won't let me use two tape recorders at once. (This place has a crapload and a half of rules. I felt like I was reading the Oregon Administrative Code when I signed in. You can't take in a pen or your backpack, you're not supposed to take anything home with you [you mean I'm not at the library?] or deface anything and so on and so forth. They barely let me use my own headphones on the tape recorders. This probably should have been it's own paragraph along with the bitch about the quarter copies.) That means I have to slowly tape about 7 hours of minutes before they close, while doing all my other stuff. (I would also like to mention at this point that the receptionist was a jerk. She wouldn't give me change for the freakin' meter so I had to walk a couple blocks down to the Dept. Of Veteran Affairs. They have a change machine. Those Vet. Affairs folks know how to treat a tax paying citizen.)
I wasn't going to use this post to bitch but it seems like I am anyway so I'm just going to keep it up. I also have a problem with the price of copies. The state legislature set the price at a quarter a copy. I spent $99.50 on freakin' copies. I accidentally loaded some copies in upside down and before I could fix it I had spent $4. Christ, if the money were going to the schools I wouldn't mind, but it's going to the damned receptionist who won't give me any fucking change for the parking meter. It's not technically their fault b/c the legislature set the price. So because the price is set by the legislature I guess they're not full fledged bastards but only state mandated bastards...
They are bastards nonetheless.
So where was I? Oh yeah, I'm trying to tape the last committee meeting, I'm about halfway done and it's quickly approaching closing time. I organize everything I possibly can so that I'm ready to go immediately. At 4:44 PM the state mandated bastard (SMB) walks over and unplugs the recorder and says "You're done, we're closed."
What pissed me off was that the SMB used exactly the same tone of voice I used to use when I used to 86 people from my bar for being too drunk and obnoxious. If I'm taping some minutes have a heart. I hate being in Salem and at the Archive as much, if not more (I would contend more b/c my heart is not two sizes too small!), than you do. Let me get the last five minutes.
In conclusion, to summarize, my legislative history skillz are mad dangerous. I'm a researchin' thug and the SMB's at the Archivist better watch out b/c next week I'm coming for some bill filings.
And one more thing. When I first walked in to ask a question one of the SMBs threw a form in my face and said "You can't be here without one of these." I would have had one of those if the receptionist had mentioned it when I signed in. I'm pretty sure that being a jerk wasn't state mandated.
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