Interviews, Papers, Outlines, and Professional Reputations
I finished cross indexing my outlines and adding color tabs today. That's three weeks before finals. I put them in brand new three ring binders which I had professionally embossed in raised gold lettering. Okay, maybe not. I did finish my reading for Monday...
for at least one class.
I'm entering the last few days of house sitting. I've been sleeping in a twin bed. I'm freakin' huge. My feet hang at least six inches off the end of the bed. My shoulders are about 3 inches narrower than the bed. Soon I'll be able to sleep on my own bed. It's a grown up bed.
They've got two cats. I don't know the cats names. I named them Mongo and Tardo. I'm P.C. like that. Both cats are fierce droolers. Mongo blows spit bubbles. Tardo drools like Niagra Falls. I woke up the other day with Tardo on my shoulder and my cheek sopping wet.
So will I miss all this? Yes. They have the nicest set of cast iron skillets I've ever seen. There's a gas stove so I don't have to jerry rig some trivet to cook tortillas. I've got several rooms and chairs to choose from when I do my homework. It's clean. Best of all the teenage boy who lives here has friends. They tell me awesome things. One told me to let him know if anyone does anything stupid. I almost asked "Besides what you just said?" Teenagers are slapstick, unless they're yours.
One of my cats drool. He only does it when he is really happy. I always wondered if he was unique or if its normal. Maybe they just really like you.
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