Saturday, April 02, 2005


From the "You people live like animals!" files, I cannot find a pair of channel locks in this house (I'm still house sitting) and they have a leaky sink. I guess it makes sense that their sink is leaking if they don't have any channel locks. Their toilets were also running but you can use a butter knife to fix that.
The first time I realized that some people actually choose to live like animals was when I realized I had done it myself. I even thought I preferred it to living a genteel civilized existence. When I first moved to Oregon I was a bit put off by the fact that you are not allowed to pump your own gas. I wondered what pack of idiots would pass a law preventing me from pumping my own gas. I was at least 5 or 6 years older than the kids pumping the gas and had much more experience handling a gas pump than they did. I thought the law made no sense.
The first Oregon winter hit and suddenly the law made sense to the kid from Texas. Why in the hell would I want to get out of my car in 40 degree weather to get rained on while inhaling gas fumes? Only the worst kind of ignorant fool would want to do that. So the people at the state legislature made the wise decision to force the gas stations to hire teenagers to stand in the miserable weather and pump gas. I've never looked back.
I visited my folks in Utah that Thanksgiving and remembered how silly they were to get out of their car in even colder, more miserable weather and pump gas. They lived like animals. I told my old man that Utah should pass a law and he said he didn't want some stupid teenager messing around with his car. Sure I wouldn't want a teenager recoiling my alternator but they can surely work a gas cap and pump. That was just an excuse on my dad's part to toil in the muck. I couldn't believe it.
Tomorrow I will go get my toolbox and fix the sink so I don't have to listen to it drip anymore. These people are really blessed that they selected such a civilized and well informed person to house sit for them. Hopefully they will go out and by their own channel locks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most toilets in Hungary lack standing water. I used to think this was a good thing, since the sullying of the clean pool of water always filled me with secret shame. I was wrong. When things THUD and stink, it is so much worse. I think this is an appropriate comment to make in the context of people living like animals.

8:59 AM  
Blogger SAMPLES said...

I house sat last week while the home was undergoing major construction, so I feel your pain.

9:54 AM  

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