Thursday, September 09, 2004

Mini Disc

I lost my minidisc player a couple weeks ago and finally replaced it. When I went to get a replacement they only had ones in weird colors. My personal take on electronics and color schemes is that they should be limited to black, grey, or silver. Any other color takes away from the seriousness of the device's purpose. We've all had CD players. The high end ones are one of the above colors and the Hello Kitty ones for little girls are pink. I want my electronic device to look serious and not like it came with a happy meal.
You've probably guessed that my minidisc was not one of the sanctioned colors. It's white, with chrome and orange. It doesn't look like it came from a happy meal, but it does look like a cast off from a storm trooper uniform. Sony really wants me to pony up and pay full price for this? It looks like Fischer Price My First MP3 Player.
I bought it, but I don't like it. I'll probably put a bunch of stickers on it or something, but man it looks lame. The first CD I put on it was the new Crime CD. This is on Swami records, which looks like it's out of San Diego. The only other Crime record I have is the one off of Planet Pimp records. The new one is far superior in every respect. This is my first exposure to the band that lets me glimpse their greatness and why they were so important to the American rock n roll scene. I would put this record in the category of need for anyone who's serious about rock n roll. You must have this if your record collection is to be taken seriously and if you want to comment knowledgeably about rock n roll on the west coast in the early 80s late 70s.

BTW the minidisc looks like this but orange.


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