Tuesday, May 18, 2004


I went and saw Troy last night. Not only is the book better, but so are the assorted 15 odd plays that deal with all the tangential parts of the story. It stunk like a gym locker, and it wasn't just Brad Pitt's fault. The story overreached the Iliad, a bunch of people who weren't supposed to die died, a whole other group of people weren't even in it, Diomedes jumps to mind. It was lame enough that it should enter the lexicon like your mama jokes. "Prof. X sucks at teaching Admin Tort Pro. He sucks like Troy."
On a side note, my roommate and I have talked about making "Pissing Calvin" stickers. He could piss on the Fitzgerald and Latimore translations of the Iliad, maybe even Fagles. I figure we could sell two to school librarians and a couple more to humanities profs.


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