Monday, April 26, 2004

What do you want?

Three Years of Hell has a post asking us what we want to get out of lawschool. I joked that I came to lawschool to sell out. That's basically become the truth. I'm turning my back on my punk rock past and buying into the middle class "mindless happiness through consumerism" lifestyle. It seemed funny before I got here. Anyway, I want a Norton Commando (preferably a 850), some dogs( The ones that aren't going to get adopted because they're old or sick or hyper), and a Tequilera (my jimadores could call me Don Gonzalez, see how much I've sold out. I aspire to be recognized as a member of an aristocracy). It doesn't really seem worth it when I type it out. A motorcycle, some dogs, and some land and plants in Guadalajara. I could just as easily have the first two without lawschool. The last one is a pipe dream, but it's more attainable if I'm a lawyer, as oppossed to a brewer. I think I'm actually here because I like the school.

P.S. I don't know how the track back thing works and I really have to get started on my contracts outline. If someone can explain it to me in less than 20 medium sized sentences please do, otherwise I'll figure out next week.


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