Monday, May 01, 2006

Estamos En La Lucha

I finished my A paper last night at about 4 AM. I still have to work on a rewrite. But I'm done, it's like classes, and I guess everything else in law. The general rule is I'm done except for the exceptions.
I started studying for finals. I've got four finals. I'll be able to knock them out pretty quick. May 12th isn't that far away.
I went to the march today. The Portland march was pretty big. I'd estimate about 12,000 to 15,000 people. There was another march in Salem which was about the same size. I got some pictures. This is an exciting time. I love being a part of it. The energy is great. I saw a bunch of friends, some of my professors, people I hadn't seen in years. It makes the end of school that much more fun.


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