Thursday, August 04, 2005

Wrathful Navel Gazing!

I’ve come to the conclusion that “Chicana, you wanna?” and “I spent all last night staring at your myspace profile, I think we could really connect.” are not good pick up lines. I’m considering the idea that pick up lines are in fact not good. I mean, if those lines don’t work, what line is going to?
I decided today that I do not like the new pope. I was reading this article and it bugged me. The church is supposed to be a moral institution, smack me with the naïve paddle now. The argument basically follows the line that A does something immoral. B reacts immorally. We will therefore not condemn A. That is stupid. The church should either condemn both for their separate immoral acts or shut the fuck up. This is the church of Augustine and Aquinas, yet the new pope is kicking out the reasoning of a U.S. Senator (cough John Kyl cough). The whole Harry Potter thing pissed me off to. I'm pretty sure I didn't become an atheist because of children's books. This pope sucks. I’m starting to wonder if Florida had a cardinal voting in the conclave.
Under the topic of racist things that bother me and I can’t keep biting my lip. This jackass in the Federal Society comments about how Mexico lacks the rule of law. It's on the second page...
Fine I'll quote it.
Recalling a trip through rural Mexico, Mr. Meyer spoke of the "Stone Age" living conditions there as an example of how people suffer "when they haven't had the rule of law."

The implication is that there is something wrong with Mexican Government, which no one is denying, and that problem is solely homegrown. No mention of the fact that any time the Mexican people tried to institute a rule of law the U.S. intervened, by maybe assassinating President Madera or sending the army in multiple times during the Wilson administration, b/c it ran counter to U.S. economic interests. Mexican citizen's are solely responsible for their suffering and not the Spanish, French, or U.S. at all.
Here’s an old article from the Washington Post about whether or not Latinos will be a major unified political force soon. I think the guy makes a lot of good points that my experience has reinforced. My family in El Paso has very little in common with some rich Cubano family in Miami. The whole generational thing is really important too. Most Latinos are still too young to vote. Many Latinos are undereducated and undereducated people don’t vote. This is a really important fact considering the Latino high school dropout rate. It makes me kind of feel like I’m voting for more than myself, I’m a community representative.
This guy is proposing the dumbest immigration reform bill I’ve ever seen. I assume it’ll get bogged down in committee almost immediately when the Senate gets back from recess. It’s clear the guy has no concept of what’s going on in the U.S. immigration system. “Go back to Mexico and then apply for citizenship!” First the waiting list is like 14 years. No one is dumb enough to leave their family and good job to go back to the place they left b/c they couldn’t get a good job on the off chance that they may have the opportunity to wait 14 years to return to the U.S.
I think I’m done ranting now. Oh, Yeah! Loteria Chicano moved so visit her new site, bring a house warming gift.


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