Bitchin' and Moanin'
One of the downside's of my job is that I have to listen to commercial radio. It's crap. I never thought I'd become one of those people that complain about grammar but the ads are so bad that I am distracted throughout the day. The music is atrocious. It's a shuffle of top 40 hits from the last 30 years. It's garbage. There is no new or interesting music on the whole program. If they play an interesting musician it's often his worse song. I kind of expect all that. What really bothers me is the anti-intellectualism of the whole thing. The callers comments seem to be selected based on the density of the caller's skull. There are little sound bites that say stupid things in between songs. I don't know if it's to sound "edgy" but it's just stupid. One of them today said "Keep your opinions to yourself, rocket scientist." The radio is stupid. I must scrub my ears when I get home. It wouldn't bother me if I were only working part time, instead of overtime, but we won't get into that.
The other thing I want to bitch about is that I had to interview for one of my classes. What the fuck. I pay them 26K a year to take class. I should get to interview the profs to see if they're worth my fucking money. I have to go sit in an office in a neck tie and try and ingratiate myself with the instructors for the pleasure of doing work for the state. I'm trying to pay to provide the government with a free service. These are the choosiest motherfucking beggars ever. I'm gifthorse with my mouth wide open. I'm going to go have a pint at the pub and mellow out.
I'm going to get into the whole part time thing. I signed up for part time. Why the hell am I working 7 days a week. Son of a bitch. They took my Sunday too. Now I have to go to work instead of reading the Harry Potter book. Son of a bitch.
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