Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Geekin' Out!

This is what my girlfriend would look like with no tendons. Man I could watch that for ten minutes.

Harry and the Potters are playing the library here soon! I'm psyched, two shows at the Woodstock library and one at In Other Words. It's ten days after the new book is out too so maybe there will be new songs! They're touring all over the west coast so check it out if you can.

That quarter map thing screwed up my side bar. I won't post that again. It's probably wise b/c a quarter map is pretty dorky. It's right up there with worrying about Star Wars and making Civ Pro jokes.


Blogger Antonio said...

alright, I guess if I had a girlfriend, and she had no tendons, and we could find a big silo or something with big balls in it, this would be what she looked like. I was trying to play off of some kind of wonderful.

5:36 PM  

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