Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Zero Tasking

I've been talking to other kids who are clerking and there seems to be a dominate pattern our summer jobs. We don't get enough work. I still bother my boss, the attorneys, other clerks, and anyone walking by about once a day for work. I have some decent projects and because I almost never have a backlog I can do a good job on them. Other clerks I've talked to said they just stopped asking for work. It makes since, I am starting to feel a little obnoxious, but I can't sit around and goof off, except when I'm working for tips and you need more diet coke.
Another problem I face is that I don't get any feedback. So far I've got one thing back to fix up. I wrote a complaint. I had never seen a complaint before and had a lot of fun writing it. I submitted it and got it back. Probably 75% of it was crossed out as unnecessary. A well pleaded complaint is not necessarily a tedious complaint bogged down by minutiae. I got it. But that is it. I don't know if they don't give me more work because I suck or if my work is fine. I mail stuff to government agencies and other attorneys frequently but I have no idea if everyone at the opposing counsel's office gathers around the letter and laughs at it when it gets there. Admittedly the mistakes in the letters from opposing counsel that we gather around and laugh at are idiotic, and I don't make those kinds of mistakes. But truth be told, I don't know exactly what kind of mistakes I make.
Some of the clerks told me they just slowed down their work pace. I already catch myself doing that. I do lexis tutorials to get the free mug (BTW, you still get free crap from lexis over the summer if you have a clerk account. I got a cheesy day planner I'll never use today.) and read way more research than I need too. This distresses me. I'm becoming this lexis chimp. I hear things where I work pick up in the fall. I'm looking forward to it.


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