Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Ant v. Torts

Last Friday in Torts the Prof is talking about the "last clear chance" doctrine and how it evolved out of a case where there was a fettered ass in the highway. I pass a note to my classmate saying someone should have backed that ass up. Not very funny but she laughed, so I laughed. Prof. Torts turns suddenly and asks "Mr. Gonzalez, is there something you find interesting that you'd like to share with the class?". Obviously not, and even if it you do say something funny he doesn't usually appreciate it. So I say it was not of general interest. Pretty cool, getting busted passing notes in graduate school.
Last Monday we had a make up class scheduled because Prof. Torts cancelled the Friday class before spring break. I showed up to an empty classroom and remembered that the class was rescheduled again to this Monday. So Monday, I just freakin' space class. I'm hanging out in the library reading Civ Pro and wondering why it's so quiet and where everyone is. I remembered the Torts class. Smooth.
So anyway I forgot the class and the reading and now I look at the reading for tomorrow's Tort class and it's the assignment where he doubled up on the reading so we could probably talk about tort reform some more. Basically I have to read about 700 pages of torts, and my Civ Pro. I'm not to thrilled. I might watch another episode of buffy the vampire slayer before I start on it. Actually we should start a pool and people can put money on how late it is until I actually start and when I finally finish.


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