Saturday, March 10, 2007

I had a hearing on Tuesday. I filed a motion with the court asking that my client have exclusive use of the family residence. Basically I'm asking the court to make the other party leave the house b/c the couple is fighting too much.
I won my hearing and the judge was laying out the terms and then I realized that I had just had this woman kicked out of her house. I made that happen.
It was necessary and for the good of the kids. She'll be able to find a place to live. It'll help speed the divorce along. There are some positives to it.
However, the psychological impact must be significant. I don't know how I would react if some stranger hauled me into court and had me thrown out of my house and away from my children. It's hard not to think that it would be devastating.
While writing the order up yesterday I realized how completely inadequate legal ethical education is. I had been happy that I won. What I did was necessary but I should have been more cognizant of what I was doing and not get tricked by language like "motion for exclusive use of the family residence."
Lawyers use language to hide the impact of what they do as much from themselves as from anyone.
No cheering when I kick people out of their house from now on.


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