Sunday, December 17, 2006

I applied to get my student loans consolidated last June. The process is still ongoing. Meanwhile all my loans have come due. I don’t have the money to pay them so I’m trying to defer them. Since I work at a non profit and help people who actually need it I don’t get paid very much and therefore qualify for a hardship deferment.
I sent out all the paper work and it’s started coming back saying I didn’t include a paystub. I knew that would happen but I wanted to get the process started and I’ll send in the paystubs on Monday.
However, one of the loans sent me a long letter saying that I didn’t qualify for a deferment. The other denials had a form letter with a list of reasons why I didn’t qualify and a box checked by the appropriate reason, usually no pay stub. This specific letter said that I didn’t qualify for the following ten reasons. Not one of the following ten, but all ten of them. They didn’t want to give me any false hope and say, fix these three or four things and we’ll see. It’s a flat out “Snowball in hell” scenario. There are so many reasons that I don’t deserve a deferment that they can’t narrow it down to just one or two.
I wonder if people stood around the office laughing at my request. Maybe it’s been photocopied and is hanging up in the break room. Maybe there was an intern who had to research my file just to make sure they couldn’t find two or three more reasons to deny me the deferment.
These are the same bastards that sent me a birthday card last week.


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