Friday, February 20, 2004


I volunteered to help out with a fundraiser at school. They needed licensed alcohol servers and I happen to be one so I signed up to help out. One would normally expect that if you were volunteering for something like this that you would just show up and tend bar. Not here, this organization is so committed to raising money that they didn't buy corkscrews. We, the volunteers, have to bring our own. That's fine I have a ton of wine keys, but I thought it was funny.
I also like the idea that as a bartender I will be able to cut off my Profs. Under Oregon law it is against the law to argue with the bartender. I might try cutting off Prof. Torts. I think I might try and cut off a bunch of random hot shot attorneys. Maybe I could later get an interview with one of them and they could hazily remember me. Speaking of interviews check out Buffalo Wings and Vodka.


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